My name is Meredith Hansen,
and I am a Skin Care Specialist, Certified Esthetician, and Aromatherapist. I have always had a deep interest in human anatomy and physiology, a passion for people and a love of all things cosmetics.
What prompted me to choose to be a Skin Care Specialist?
From a very young age, I watched my mother deal with a severe precancerous skin condition caused by multiple sunburns and too many hours in the sun. This condition affected her quality of life, and she began instilling in me the importance of taking care of your skin and using preventive measures to avoid going through what she was experiencing.
Similarly, during my teenage years, I watched my sister go through severe adolescent acne and how she struggled; my parents spending hundreds of dollars on the wrong products from the advice of untrained staff of skincare companies and invariably, the promised relief never came.
My mom and sister would wait for months to see Dermatologists in which they would be prescribed pharmaceuticals that helped improve their condition but, in the process, would often set off a series of side effects such as severe dryness, irritation, and peeling. At these appointments, any advice for the practical day-to-day care of their skin that would soothe, support and heal the skin was left out. I certainly understand the predicament of Dermatologists - it’s just not feasible for specialists to cover all of these things in a single appointment when their time is so pressed.
BeautySafe is the essential online safety and hygiene training specific to the personal service industry and expected by clients — especially in a COVID and post-COVID world.
Qi beauty
Qi beauty certified practitioners deliver exceptional results with non-invasive and no-trauma to accelerate repair and accumulate health.
Pastiche Method
Using the Pastiche Method®, clinical aestheticians and skin treatment practitioners can identify and accurately determine the basic majority skin type and the prevalent anomalous skin conditions seen in their clients.
Watching how much of an impact this never-ending process had on my sister's self-worth and my mothers quality of life - the discomfort from her condition and then later on in her life the multiple surgeries to remove cancerous lesions and the scars left behind. I witnessed the frustrations they felt of going through these experiences without a knowledgeable advocate for helping them achieve, clear, healthy skin.
Witnessing the women in my family struggle with their skin inevitably sparked my interest in corrective cosmetics formulations and how to strategically care for troublesome skin conditions by skin care alone or working alongside a Doctors prescribed treatment plan to help minimize side effects and support the efficacy of a pharmaceutical intervention.
I’ve come to understand that preventative, day-to-day care of the skin is the essential piece to avoid the adverse impacts that conditions like acne and cancer can have on a person.
This experience, combined with a love of working with women and their self-worth, led me to pursue a career in the skin care field. I love working with all things skin: age prevention, age correction, Acne or Rosacea or, simply a desire to have a healthy glowing complexion.
Since embracing this career, it's been my sole focus to seek out the best education in health, skin and cosmetic formulations founded in solid science, technology and most importantly, integrity.

I opened Illuminate Skin Care because I'm passionate about sharing my knowledge of skin to empower my clients to make better ingredient and facial treatment choices so they never have to waste time, money or worry on products, or unnecessary invasive procedures that will only compromise their complexion.
I firmly believe the health and integrity of skin barrier function should take priority over aggressive, instant gratification treatments or skin care fads that will not stand the test of time. My job is to help you navigate through a world where beauty fads and trends muddy the waters of sensible skincare advice that's based in science.
Skin care is not a one size fits all approach - it depends on an individualized strategy specific to each person's unique circumstance and goals. Healthy, beautiful skin requires knowledge, appropriate ingredients, and patience. It's become my life's work to illuminate my guests via skin care knowledge, experience, and support to actualize glowing, healthy complexions - all transpiring in a compassionate and relaxing environment.
Along with a passion for skin, I have a love for music and the arts, spending time with family and friends and traveling as much as possible! It's my personal belief that broadening one's horizons helps bring a richness of life and an essential perspective to how fortunate we are to be Canadian. I'm beyond excited to combine my love of skin with my desire to travel and am blessed to attend symposiums across the globe where I learn and network with some of the most accomplished skincare minds in the industry.